文:Kate Chang
Oprah Winfrey:他們的時事時代結束了!
歐普拉(Oprah Winfrey)獲得2018年金球獎中的英文西席地密爾獎(Cecil B. DeMille Award)的殊榮,這是位名誤解金球獎中的終身成就獎。得獎感言中最精彩的人對部分之一,就是女性歐普拉説了三次 “Their time is up!” 這一段慷慨激昂,不只在場所有人站起來鼓掌,主義筆者也聽到全身起雞皮疙瘩啦!看大眾對當然,歐普拉也為這場得獎感言下了最有氣勢、最撼動全場的結尾。
“So I want all the girls watching here now to know that a new day is on the horizon! And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say “Me too” again.”
#MeToo這個主題標籤早在2006年就出現在社群媒體上,也是MeToo Movement的一部分,鼓勵所有受過侵犯的男女使用此標籤,進而讓大眾意識到性別侵犯的普遍性。而最近在金球獎上,歐普拉的激勵演講更帶起大家對#Timesup #MeToo的共鳴與潮流。
- horizon (n.)地平線:horizon也可以用在抽象的概念上,例如句子中的on the horizon是個固定用法,表示「即將發生的」。也可以用broaden one’s horizon表示「擴展視野」。
- dawn(v.)破曉;開始:dawn最常使用的應該是名詞的「黎明」之意,但是在這邊是動詞,表示新的一天即將開始。
- phenomenal(adj.)非凡的;傑出的
Emma Watson:女性主義≠仇恨男性
說到女性主義,相信大家對艾瑪華生都不陌生,2004年她在聯合國上發表的性別平等演講「他支持她」活動(HeForShe Campaign),引起很多共鳴與支持!艾瑪華生表達出多年來對性別平權的體悟,顛覆了大眾對feminism一詞的誤解,更呼籲大家女性主義不單只是女生的事,因為性別刻板印象使得男性不敢表達自己,這是不論男女都必須關注並貢獻一份心力的議題。
“The more I spoke about feminism, the more I realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop. For the record, feminism by definition is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of political, economic and social equality of the sexes.”
- synonymous with 與⋯⋯同義
- synonymous 是形容詞「同義的;等同的」,名詞synonym就是我們在查單字時會看到的「同義詞」。
- for the record (phr.)公開地說、鄭重說明
- for the record 很常用在一場演說,或是公開宣布一件事情之前。因此也可以翻作「在此強調」。相反的,off the record是指「私底下講」。
Jennifer Lawrence:這是我的選擇!
“This is not only utterly ridiculous, I am extremely offended. [⋯⋯] I would have stood in the snow for that dress because I love fashion and that was my choice. This is sexist, this is ridiculous, this is not feminism. Overreacting about everything someone says or does, creating controversy over silly innocuous things such as what I choose to wear or not wear, is not moving us forward.”
- utterly(adv.)極度地
Jason has never been to the class and he’s a free-rider in team presentation, but he still passed the class with high grades! This is utterly/extremely/completely/totally unfair!
- offend(v.)冒犯
- offend 的名詞為offense, 即「冒犯;得罪」,常用 “No offense” 表示「沒有惡意」。
- innocuous(adj.)無害的
Harry Styles:公開支持 #HeForShe
「一世代」(One Direction)的Harry Styles不只公開支持HeForShe,在某次受訪時被主持人問到,如果在bar裡和其他團員看上同一個女生,會不會有所謂「先搶先贏」的潛規則?Harry Styles是這麼回答的:
“We feel like that objectifies women, and that’s not really what we’re about.”
- objectify(v.)物化
John Legend:傑出的女性讓世界更好!
“I’m absolutely a feminist. It doesn’t cost us anything as men for women to do well. We don’t lose out because more women are empowered, more women are entrepreneurs, more women are leaders. It just makes the world better.”
- lose out 輸掉、吃虧
- empower(v.)授予權力;使控制局勢
- entrepreneur(n.)企業家
-eur字根和-er 或-or一樣,泛指「從事某行業的人」,另外還有amateur(n.)業餘從事者。
Joseph Gordon-Levitt : 我的母親教導我女性主義
“I do call myself a feminist. Just like it’s worth paying attention to the rules that are sort of dictated to us and to realize that we don’t have to fit in to those roles. People may find that word feminism to be sort of anti-man. Not only was feminism something that my mom sort of taught me about, obviously, motherhood, in general, is right at the core of what feminism is.”
- dictated to somebody 指揮;告訴⋯⋯該做什麼
- fit in 融入
- at the core of something ⋯⋯的核心
其實好萊塢支持女性主義的明星太多了,就連漫威系列電影《黑豹》(Black Panther)當中也充分展現「女力」的概念!你們對女性主義的看法又是什麼呢?看完這六位明星的激勵演說,現在開始一起#TimesUp吧!
- 生理男性們,從來就不會有「女權過度高漲」的一天
- 《82年生的金智英》:女孩子太聰明,公司也會覺得有壓力