据Retraction Watch网站消息,爱思因论文同行评审造假,唯尔网爱思唯尔出版商撤销旗下5本杂志中的因同9篇论文,这9篇论文全部来自中国高校或研究机构。行评销中新闻 爱思唯尔发出声明称,审造出版伦理委员会调查发现这9篇论文的假撤同行评审过程被人为操纵,随后爱思唯尔便撤销了这9篇论文。国篇 自2012年来,论文爱思唯尔因同行评审造假而撤销的科学论文超过了20篇,所有出版商中因同行评审造假而被撤销的爱思论文多达260篇。 爱思唯尔计划采用新的唯尔网编辑系统,可以自动化验证电子邮件地址是因同否合法。爱思唯尔还采用了其他一系列方法来阻止同行评审造假再次发生。行评销中新闻(科学网 赵河雨/编译) 附:9篇论文链接 1:Predictive and prognostic value of ER-α36 expression in breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy 2:The审造 synergistic effect between β-amyloid1–42 and α-synuclein on the synapses dysfunction in hippocampal neurons 3:Protein–protein interaction and SNP analysis in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm 4:Candidate agents for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma identified by a sub-pathway based method 5:Microarray analysis of microRNA expression in liver cancer tissues and normal control 6:Association of TNF-α-308G>A polymorphisms with hepatocellular carcinoma in Han Chinese population: A systematic review and meta-analysis 7:Correlations between peroxisome proliferator activator receptor γ, Cystatin C, or advanced oxidation protein product, and atherosclerosis in diabetes patients 8:The rapid and sustained responses of dendritic cells to influenza virus infection in a non-human primate model 9:Antiviral and myocyte protective effects of IL-28A in coxsackievirus B3-induced myocarditis 更多阅读 Retraction Watch网站相关报道(英文)作者:赵河雨 来源:科学网 www.sciencenet.cn 发布时间:2015/10/14 14:28:26 选择字号:小 中 大 爱思唯尔因同行评审造假撤销中国9篇论文 相关推荐