《法新社》報導,陸美美國國家颶風中心(NHC)表示,國佛過百「極其危險」的州釀災難蹤颶風在當地時間下午3時(台灣時間29日凌晨3時)左右,在邁爾斯堡(Fort Myers)以西的性破卡約科斯塔(Cayo Costa)堰洲島上登陸。
This 級颶storm is HUGE! That’s the Mississippi River and New Orleans on the left. It covers the entire Florida peninsula! We could see through the eye just as it was making landfall. Praying for the safety of everyone dealing with #HurricaneIan. 🙏 pic.twitter.com/sZZE9gugea
— Bob “Farmer” Hines (@Astro_FarmerBob) September 28, 2022
The storm surge in #BonitaSprings is unbelievable. #HurricaneIan pic.twitter.com/28A7yocTiM
— Leonardo Feldman (@LeoFeldmanNEWS) September 28, 2022
佛州州長迪尚特(Ron DeSantis)今天表示,超過110萬戶停電,預計這個數字還會增加。
美國邊境巡邏隊(US Border Patrol)表示,一艘移民船因颶風沉沒,造成多人失蹤,另有4名古巴人游到佛羅里達島礁(Florida Keys)岸邊獲救。
*RARE* first person view of storm surge. This camera is 6 feet off the ground on Estero Blvd in Fort Myers Beach, FL. Not sure how much longer it keeps working. You’ll see it live only on @weatherchannel #Ian pic.twitter.com/WwHtvgVxjY
— Mike Bettes (@mikebettes) September 28, 2022
I've been capturing video from this webcam in Fort Myers all day and I've put it into a Timelapse. Check out the storm surge rushing in! Crazy. #Ian #flwx pic.twitter.com/lj7a1wThga
— Brennan Prill (@WxBrenn) September 28, 2022
Got this from a friend in #Naples - just so sad. @ActionNewsJax #Ian pic.twitter.com/HtC0CtG228
— Jason Brewer (@JBrewerBoston25) September 28, 2022
- 颶風伊恩登陸佛州掀強風暴雨 百萬戶停電23人失蹤[影](中央社)
- Cuban migrant boat sinks off Florida due to Hurricane Ian; 20 missing(Reuters)