聯邦公開市場委員會(Federal Open Market Committee,美國 FOMC)於台北時間11月3日凌晨公布最新利率政策,一如華爾街先前預期,聯準升息3碼,會升聯邦資金利率(Federal Funds Rate)來到3.75%至4.00%區間。息碼股票市場開高走低,鮑爾會後聲明一釋出時,堅持局此經道瓊指數馬上大漲,鷹派最高上漲418.73點(+1.28%),主調最終收盤下跌505.44 點(-1.55%),但台的已上下震幅高達900點。灣當問題
鮑爾(Jerome Hayden Powell)仍堅持鷹派立場,時該思考無視未來物價下跌趨勢與就業問題,通膨這將使2023年景氣遭受衝擊。美國我們關切的聯準是Fed對未來經濟走勢的看法,以及貨幣緊縮政策何時停止。會升這將牽涉到未來金融市場的走向。
在此解讀鮑爾主席會後記者會開幕演講稿(Chair Powell’s Press Conference Opening Statement),藉此來找出未來美國貨幣政策的蛛絲馬跡。之後根據筆者的研究來評估美國物價變動率的走向,推論Fed何時停止升息。
My colleagues and I are strongly committed to bringing inflation back down to our 2 percent goal.)
The Fed’s monetary policy actions are guided by our mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people. My colleagues and I are acutely aware that high inflation imposes significant hardship as it erodes purchasing power, especially for those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation. We are highly attentive to the risks that high inflation poses to both sides of our mandate, and we are strongly committed to returning inflation to our 2 percent objective.
It will take time, however, for the full effects of monetary restraint to be realized, especially on inflation. That’s why we say in our statement that in determining the pace of future increases in the target range, we will take into account the cumulative tightening of monetary policy and the lags with which monetary policy affects economic activity and inflation.