文:Tim Draper 翻譯:楊士範
Tim Draper英文原文:
Congratulations to The News Lens on this 10th anniversary celebration. These 10 years have been a news tidal wave for a country that is trying to balance itself between the free world and the communist world, between a country that wants it for historical reasons and one that wants it for its future.
TNL finds itself in the vortex of the most interesting international news of our time. The company boldly comes out with news that China and Russia collaborate on censorship, challenges to Taiwan’s immigration authority, and how American’s might or might not want to recognize Taiwan.
The stories printed in TNL are bold and challenging. They cover the weak leaders who want to control everyone and everything and the strong leaders who want to trust people and set them free. TNL is not just a reflection of the world around them. They are viewing all perspectives of geopolitics from the ultimate cat bird seat, Taiwan.
Congratulations, and here’s to the next 10 years. May your editorial influence minds and set more people free.
文:Steve Chen 翻譯:楊士範
Steve Chen英文原文:
As an insider of the incredible vaults a startup has made to become a globally recognized leader in the field of digital content, I can’t be happier than to congratulate the entire TNL team for their 10 year anniversary.
Looking ahead, the interconnections within the global Mandarin market will grow ever more important and I look forward to seeing TNL continued rise to meet these demands.